How to create a CI/CD pipeline for a React app (1st part)

I wanted to write a tutorial on how to dockerize an application, make it production ready, setup CI/CD workflow and eventually deploy it to AWS. So here in that first part we will see how to dockerize a react app for development, testing and production enviroments.

The final flow will look like:

CI CD flow

The tools/services that we will use are:

  • Node/NPM
  • create-react-app
  • Docker
  • nginx
  • Travis
  • AWS

Create react app has 3 main commands, each for one of our 3 enviroments.

Command Explanation
npm run start Starts development server
npm run test Run tests
npm run build Builds a production version of the application

Docker for Dev Enviroment

First we will dockerize our application for the development enviroment. Let’s create a dockerfile for our it and name it We use the node:alpine image as base, setting up a working directory, copy the files from the host machine and start the development server.

FROM node:alpine

WORKDIR '/app/'

# It's important to copy package.json seperately
# and install the depedencies before we copy our
# actuall application files
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install

# If we change something in our application files
# we don't need to re-build the whole container
# the cache will be used so we avoid waisting time
# by running npm install again
COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

To build a container out of it we can run docker build with the -f flag

docker build -f .

We can run the container using the id that is generated by the docker build. We need to specify the ports that we want to be exposed so we can access the app from our host machine. Something like:

docker run -p 3000:3000 CONTAINER_ID

With the COPY command in our dockerfile, we essentially did the following:

Copy Command

The problem with this is that if we make any change to our application on the host, our container do not have the changes, so we can’t see them. We would have to re-build the image, which obviously it is not ideal since it can be time-consuming. To fix that we can make use of Docker Volumes.

Docker Volumes

With Docker Volumes what we do is to set a referrence to the folders in the host machine.

Docker Volume

To do that we can run:

docker run -p 3000:3000 \
 -v /app/node_modules \
 -v $(pwd):/app CONTAINER_ID

Let’s explain a bit that part of the command

-v /app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/app

It basically says “Whenever you want to use something on the app folder in the container, look in the host machine working directory except the node_modules folder”

The reason of excluding the node_modules is because we may wanna delete the ones from the host machine since the are not really needed, and by not specifying a : there we basically say to docker use the ones from the container, so all the npm commands will still be working.


Of-course having to write this long commands is not ideal. We can create a docker-compose file that will mimic the previous commands.

version: '3'
      context: .
      # export container port to host
      - '3000:3000'
      # do not map the node modules of the container
      - /app/node_modules 
      # treat the current directory as a container directory
      - .:/app 

Running tests

We can create a new container to run our tests

docker build -f .

And to execute a command inside our docker container we can do


As we said to run the tests create-react-app specifies a npm script, npm run test, so we can do:

docker run -it CONTAINER_ID npm run test

This would work just fine, but any changes in our tests will not trigger a re-run of the test suite. That’s because the command creates a new temporary container that do not have volumes setup up. Instead of creating a new temporary container we can attach to the existing running container of our development enviroment and execute the tests there:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID npm run test

docker exec is helping to interact with a running container.

This temporary solution is working fine, but is not suitable when we want to build a CI/CD flow because in reality we are peeking inside another service to run our tests.

So it will be better to create a service just for running our tests:

version: '3'
      context: .
      # export container port to host
      - '3000:3000'
      # do not map the node modules of the container
      - /app/node_modules 
      # treat the current directory as a container directory
      - .:/app 
      context: .
      - /app/node_modules 
      - .:/app 
    # override the default command specified in
    command: ['npm', 'run', 'test']

If we want to interact with the tests cli that Jest provides we can attach a process to the running container

docker attach CONTAINER_ID

Moving to production

For production we can’t use the development server that create-react-app provides as it is not optimised for that, also we want our assets to be minified etc, for that we need to run npm run build to get a build folder with all the assets that we need, and then use a better server more suitable for production. I chose nginx.

We will create a new Dockerfile (without the .dev suffix) and setup a 2 step process. The first step will build our app, and is the one that is very similar with our existing Dockerfile (having node:alpine as base image), the second step will take the outcome of the 1st, use nginx image and run it.

# Build step
FROM node:alpine as builder
WORKDIR '/app/'
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
## The outcome will go to /app/build
RUN ["npm", "run", "build"]

FROM nginx
COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html

nginx is serving static content from the /usr/share/nginx/html directory, so we copied the output of the build process to that directory. We don’t need to specify any command to start the nginx, because the default command of the image will already do that. nginx is serving the content on the port 80 so we can see if everything works fine by running

docker run -p 8080:80 CONTAINER_ID

Then we can open our browser and navigate to localhost:8080.

In the next part of the tutorial we will build our CI/CD pipeline to move our dockerized app to production.

Published 29 Feb 2020

Tüftler (someone who enjoys working on and solving technical problems, often in a meticulous and innovative manner). Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of my employer.
Avraam Mavridis on Twitter